Hey everyone! I finally have a free moment while Zoey is napping and Erics at work, so I'm updating you on all the happenings with Zoey! Summer is over.. and so is Fall now! We had a few family outings before the weather turned cold, so here are some pics to keep you in the loop!
We went out as a family one night and Eric was craving a chili dog, so after we ran our errands we stopped at A&W for take out. Then, we went down to Wasilla Lake to eat. Well, there happened to be some ducks there! Eric began throwing them fries and soon they were all around us. We saved a few fries for Zoey to feed them too! I love how we are all making shadows!

Here's Z being an AK grown potato!

Zoey got her face painted! She was perfectly still for the man and had a cute butterfly when he was done.

We dressed Z up in her Halloween costume to play and take photos in the pumpkin patch. We wanted her to be a cow this year because she loves to say "Mooooo." Teressa and Kerry brought
Jenna to this event too, so we took turns snapping a family shot for eachother.
I love you Zoey Paige!

Walking with Daddy through the pumpkin patch.
Then, back at home over the past few weeks...
Holy curls! This hair has been slept on too! I cant believe how long its getting too.

Daddy and Z on Daddys Birthday.

Zoey making silly faces!

The end!