I was waiting to write again until after the fun playdate that I planned for Zoey and her friends. We had soooooo much fun on Wednesday! The idea behind the playdate was to have fun but make sure everything was edible and safe for the little ones. When I was in preschool, I got to paint with chocolate pudding - its one of the few things I remember from when I was little. Also, one of my best friends husbands is a chef who does amazing things with food such as carvings and sculptures. His name is David Leathers and one of his signature phrases is "I play with my food" hence the shirt Z sometimes wears! So, between the two, I got the inspiration for this!

Heres Z with part of her mess! I made all of the kids their own "paints" out of vanilla pudding that I colored with food coloring gels. I also found a recipe for edible play dough in a book (Thanks Gramma (Sharon) Bujak!) that I was given for Mothers Day. All 6 of her little friends did so well with their crafts! I even made them a cute snack!

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