Yes, I am all ready here! I know you didnt expect me until September, but plans changed.. and Im going to tell you all about it since everyone has been asking my Mommy! Heres the last photo taken of me in Mommys tummy before I arrived. This is the tp game for her baby shower on August 7th! I measured 12 pieces of tp!
On Aug 5th, we had a growth ultrasound taken because my Dr told Mommy that I was looking a bit large. I cooperated and let them take a peek :)
My results were given to the Dr and we received a phone call on Wed, Aug 10th at 9:30am saying that the fluid around me was dangerously low and we had to go to the hospital right away. Mommy and Zoey had a playdate scheduled at the house in 30 minutes so she had to call and have it all cancelled - sorry Zoey! At the hospital, we had another ultrasound and Dr Brown decided I needed to be induced that very day. Mommy was admitted to the hospital at 11am, given an iv of fluids and hooked up to monitors for my movements, heartrate and her blood pressure. After several hours, nothing progressed.
If you do not want them all, please skip ahead to the photos!
The Midwife on duty that day decided to try a foley bulb to get Mommy to dilate. The foley is a tube that goes into the cervix and is filled with a saline solution to form a bulb inside. It puts pressure between my head and the cervix so when there is a contraction, it begins to slide out resulting in Mommy dilating to a 3 or 4. By midnight, the bulb was easily removed with a tiny tug which showed that things were moving along! Then, there was a shift change. The midwife who wanted to do things the natural way left for the night and a new Dr came in. She checked Mommy, which hurt her pretty badly and decided Pitocin was the way to go.. By 7am, Mommy was checked again (more pain) and was only to a 5. The Pitocin was increased all day on Thursday. By evening, we were excited to be a 6! Mommy was in a lot of pain by then though, so she called for the epidural. It took two trys, but they finally got it in place. The shift had changed again, and we were introduced to Dr Sessions. He broke Mommys water and placed a monitor inside to check on me. Mommy had a huge pain in her left hip that would not go away. The nurse was able to help her shift around until the meds finally worked their way in to the area and Mommy got about 15mins of sleep. Then, I put my feet in her ribs and started pushing with my legs. Im sorry Mommy! I know it hurt! We got the nurse to come in and found out it was time to go! The nurse helped us push for a little while and the Dr came back in. I was born in 33mins! Good thing because they had been in the hall talking about a c-section! My apgar was a 9 both times they checked, I was crying, Mommy didnt need any stitches, Daddy cut my cord and got to examine my placenta (he thought it was neat!)..
My first hospital bath
Meeting my sister Zoey
She loves to give me kisses and knows my name!
My first home bath
I loved it!
Ive been a good girl for Mommy and Daddy so far. I had one bad night in the hospital and a couple rough ones at home, but Im mostly quiet and like to eat and sleep! Im a breastfed baby and Im doing very well with it! My first Dr visit went well and I have another soon. I lost a little bit of weight, but Im going to gain it back quickly. Mommy has to go back in to have her blood pressure checked soon. She was taken off her meds since she was stable in the hospital! Since I came early, we have a lot to catch up on and do - thank you cards, organizing, shopping.. But it will all happen in time. Right now, we are just enjoying being healthy and together!
We love you all!!!