Its been well over a month since my last post.. We have had a lot going on to be honest. I also havent been in the blogging mood lately. Ive been tired. When I turn the computer on, it stays on all day, but I havent been in the spirit to write anything really. Usually I check my email and print coupons.. Im sorry!
We have been spending a lot of family time together which I think Ive said before. It seems easier here in KS since we live right down the road from Erics office. He gets to come home a few times a day for meals and clothing changes. He has had a lot of extra time off for my Dr. visits too. We spend time at the neighborhood pool when we can. Z just loves to swim. Her puddle jumper lets her float all over the pool w/o any help at all. She kicks her feet and "swims her arms" as we tell her. When she wakes up in the morning she always says "beep beep, go, pool." Im glad we found her something to float in. They wont let kids use the water wings here which was a big bummer since she got some for her 1st bday and was used to wearing them.
Shes been growing so much these days. She got on the scale at my appointment today and was 28lbs. They say shes thin for her age.. but we are not concerned. She eats well and is very active.
Shes been a big helper and a big trouble maker too. She likes to throw things away that are "kaka", she can get her own snacks and drinks when she wants them and loves to tell me my floors are "dog dog hair, kaka, floor" and will get out the dust buster. (brat!!) Shes right, Stella sheds a lot more here so we vac every day. I wont get into detail about her trouble making - shes two, use your imagination!
Lillia will be here super soon! For those who do not know yet, I have been spending a lot of time at the hospital. I go 3 times a week and sometimes Im there for 5 hours or more. Ive had my regular visits, but also started non-stress tests. During those, they hook a couple monitors to my belly and watch her heartbeat, movements and my contractions. The darn contractions landed me in labor and delivery once all ready. They are constant - 3 to 5 minutes apart for the last few weeks now. Ive had several injections that are supposed to stop them, but they dont work. Im on a set of pills until the end of this week as well. They just want me past 36 weeks, otherwise Ill be air lifted to Topeka (an hour drive away) since they do not have a NICU here. The pills have made me feel very sick and super tired.. almost hungover feeling. They have made the strength of the contractions lessen a bit. Im not currently dilated, but I have not been checked in about a week. Its been a big mess. Ill be 36wks this Thursday (Aug 4th). Hopefully she holds out a bit longer than that, but unless I stay off my feet all the time.. well..
My best friend Juliet is having an online baby shower for me this weekend. I think it will be fun! Im looking forward to the little games and photos. Its on facebook if you want to join in and we did register for a couple things on
Thats about all Ive got for today everyone. Im losing my energy and need to lay back down. So not fun.. Ill try to get you all updated again sooner than last time, but we have a lot to get ready for Lillia still and she could be here any day now which Im not ready for yet!
We love you and miss you all very much!

Lillia will be here super soon! For those who do not know yet, I have been spending a lot of time at the hospital. I go 3 times a week and sometimes Im there for 5 hours or more. Ive had my regular visits, but also started non-stress tests. During those, they hook a couple monitors to my belly and watch her heartbeat, movements and my contractions. The darn contractions landed me in labor and delivery once all ready. They are constant - 3 to 5 minutes apart for the last few weeks now. Ive had several injections that are supposed to stop them, but they dont work. Im on a set of pills until the end of this week as well. They just want me past 36 weeks, otherwise Ill be air lifted to Topeka (an hour drive away) since they do not have a NICU here. The pills have made me feel very sick and super tired.. almost hungover feeling. They have made the strength of the contractions lessen a bit. Im not currently dilated, but I have not been checked in about a week. Its been a big mess. Ill be 36wks this Thursday (Aug 4th). Hopefully she holds out a bit longer than that, but unless I stay off my feet all the time.. well..
My best friend Juliet is having an online baby shower for me this weekend. I think it will be fun! Im looking forward to the little games and photos. Its on facebook if you want to join in and we did register for a couple things on
Thats about all Ive got for today everyone. Im losing my energy and need to lay back down. So not fun.. Ill try to get you all updated again sooner than last time, but we have a lot to get ready for Lillia still and she could be here any day now which Im not ready for yet!
We love you and miss you all very much!
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