Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Goodbye Fall
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Can You Guess My Title??
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Lillia Avery Bujak - My Birth Story
Yes, I am all ready here! I know you didnt expect me until September, but plans changed.. and Im going to tell you all about it since everyone has been asking my Mommy! Heres the last photo taken of me in Mommys tummy before I arrived. This is the tp game for her baby shower on August 7th! I measured 12 pieces of tp!
On Aug 5th, we had a growth ultrasound taken because my Dr told Mommy that I was looking a bit large. I cooperated and let them take a peek :)
My results were given to the Dr and we received a phone call on Wed, Aug 10th at 9:30am saying that the fluid around me was dangerously low and we had to go to the hospital right away. Mommy and Zoey had a playdate scheduled at the house in 30 minutes so she had to call and have it all cancelled - sorry Zoey! At the hospital, we had another ultrasound and Dr Brown decided I needed to be induced that very day. Mommy was admitted to the hospital at 11am, given an iv of fluids and hooked up to monitors for my movements, heartrate and her blood pressure. After several hours, nothing progressed.
If you do not want them all, please skip ahead to the photos!
The Midwife on duty that day decided to try a foley bulb to get Mommy to dilate. The foley is a tube that goes into the cervix and is filled with a saline solution to form a bulb inside. It puts pressure between my head and the cervix so when there is a contraction, it begins to slide out resulting in Mommy dilating to a 3 or 4. By midnight, the bulb was easily removed with a tiny tug which showed that things were moving along! Then, there was a shift change. The midwife who wanted to do things the natural way left for the night and a new Dr came in. She checked Mommy, which hurt her pretty badly and decided Pitocin was the way to go.. By 7am, Mommy was checked again (more pain) and was only to a 5. The Pitocin was increased all day on Thursday. By evening, we were excited to be a 6! Mommy was in a lot of pain by then though, so she called for the epidural. It took two trys, but they finally got it in place. The shift had changed again, and we were introduced to Dr Sessions. He broke Mommys water and placed a monitor inside to check on me. Mommy had a huge pain in her left hip that would not go away. The nurse was able to help her shift around until the meds finally worked their way in to the area and Mommy got about 15mins of sleep. Then, I put my feet in her ribs and started pushing with my legs. Im sorry Mommy! I know it hurt! We got the nurse to come in and found out it was time to go! The nurse helped us push for a little while and the Dr came back in. I was born in 33mins! Good thing because they had been in the hall talking about a c-section! My apgar was a 9 both times they checked, I was crying, Mommy didnt need any stitches, Daddy cut my cord and got to examine my placenta (he thought it was neat!)..
My first hospital bath
Meeting my sister Zoey
She loves to give me kisses and knows my name!
My first home bath
I loved it!
Ive been a good girl for Mommy and Daddy so far. I had one bad night in the hospital and a couple rough ones at home, but Im mostly quiet and like to eat and sleep! Im a breastfed baby and Im doing very well with it! My first Dr visit went well and I have another soon. I lost a little bit of weight, but Im going to gain it back quickly. Mommy has to go back in to have her blood pressure checked soon. She was taken off her meds since she was stable in the hospital! Since I came early, we have a lot to catch up on and do - thank you cards, organizing, shopping.. But it will all happen in time. Right now, we are just enjoying being healthy and together!
We love you all!!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Lost My Blogging Spirit??
Lillia will be here super soon! For those who do not know yet, I have been spending a lot of time at the hospital. I go 3 times a week and sometimes Im there for 5 hours or more. Ive had my regular visits, but also started non-stress tests. During those, they hook a couple monitors to my belly and watch her heartbeat, movements and my contractions. The darn contractions landed me in labor and delivery once all ready. They are constant - 3 to 5 minutes apart for the last few weeks now. Ive had several injections that are supposed to stop them, but they dont work. Im on a set of pills until the end of this week as well. They just want me past 36 weeks, otherwise Ill be air lifted to Topeka (an hour drive away) since they do not have a NICU here. The pills have made me feel very sick and super tired.. almost hungover feeling. They have made the strength of the contractions lessen a bit. Im not currently dilated, but I have not been checked in about a week. Its been a big mess. Ill be 36wks this Thursday (Aug 4th). Hopefully she holds out a bit longer than that, but unless I stay off my feet all the time.. well..
My best friend Juliet is having an online baby shower for me this weekend. I think it will be fun! Im looking forward to the little games and photos. Its on facebook if you want to join in and we did register for a couple things on babiesrus.com
Thats about all Ive got for today everyone. Im losing my energy and need to lay back down. So not fun.. Ill try to get you all updated again sooner than last time, but we have a lot to get ready for Lillia still and she could be here any day now which Im not ready for yet!
We love you and miss you all very much!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Lillia Avery
They think shes about 3.5lbs right now. They have moved my due date to Aug 24th. I think it funny because I told Eric this morning that I would love it if she were born on Aug 23rd so that both of our girls were "A" months and both on the 23rd. Shes all ready flipped over and has her feet by my right ribs and her head by and facing my left leg. Z came out facing my left leg too, which was very painful. Tomorrow I will know how my labs went. Ill update again soon!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The Year Is NOT Half Over.. Is It?

Heres Little Miss Z, messy hair and all, wearing her Daddys boots around the house. She loves to wear anything that belongs to him. She will say "Dada boots, Yoeys boots - mine" (she calls herself Yoey which she finally started doing on the drive here to KS). Shes been.. well, a typical terrible two year old lately. At least, I hope her behavior is typical or worse than typical so that Im prepared for less drama and not more! Shes not listening, repeatedly getting in to things shes been told several times not to touch - seconds after we've told her no.. shes throwing her food on the floor, screaming for no reason... ahhh.. the life! We are trying to be calm with her, but its hard not to yell or laugh some times. Shes been very interested in her books these days. Shes careful not to rip the paper page ones. I find her in her bed after her naps with a book in her lap. She just looks up and says "Hi Mama!" Shes been very talkative since the trip. She likes to explain everything she sees the best she can. Last night in the car, she was running herself through the list of vocabulary words she knew - Eric and I just looked at eachother and laughed. She was randomly naming off words in no order what so ever. Shes happier now that she has all her things back. Im still trying to get her room in order. We are waiting on back pay for our travels so that we can buy her a new bed and put the crib back in the nursery. Once thats in place, I can hang things and decorate. I just dont want to move things too many times.
Here she is being helpful!
She helped herself to some crackers.. guess we need to install cupboard locks here now! I hope housing lets us! And, her first s'more! That was Daddys idea. She loved it! She ate the middle first :)
We had Zs two year photos taken this weekend too! Heres a sneak peek.. I hope it works! Click the link!
Lillia Avery
(and Mommy)
We have decided on the name Lillia Avery for the new baby. I think most of you have gotten the memo by now :) Shes been a very active little girl these days. We have an ultrasound this week to see how shes growing. The hospital staff that I have seen has been very worried about preeclampsia symptoms that I am showing. They have a plan for me.. Im taking blood pressure meds twice a day now. After being on them for a week, my bp was all ready lowered. Im being seen every two weeks by a Dr now who specializes in high risk pregnancy. I have a bunch of labs and blood work tomorrow and will have the results by Thursday at my visit. Soon, I will begin nonstress testing on Lillia. They will have me come in every two weeks and be hooked to a monitor on my belly to see her activity. The plan is to induce me between 37 and 39 weeks. Ill know more as time gets closer. Im currently 28 weeks. Other than the medical issues, Im okay. Im tired again. Climbing the stairs leaves me breathless, I cant get comfy sleeping, my clothes dont fit (haha!) and the headaches and severe heartburn are worse from the meds.
Me and Lillia, 28 weeks
Everyone has been asking if we need things for Lillia. We saved everything from Zoey, so we dont really need much. We are good on the clothing for sure. Gramma and Grampa Bujak and Aunt Lisa sent us a bunch of very nice hand me downs last week. (Thank you again!) But, we do have a registry at Babies R Us for those who are asking. Its mostly organizational things and decor.. items that we have for Zoey that will stay in her big girl room and not be passed down.
Well, Erics been working his butt off. He comes home for breakfast and lunch almost every day - and we love that! Hes been out in the sun too many days on his shifts, so his head and neck are a lot darker than the rest of his body. Hes got sunscreen - dont worry!! He has been having more issues with his knees, so theres ANOTHER MRI scheduled at the end of this month. We recently learned that he lost four friends from his unit that just deployed from AK. This has been specially hard on us this time around because he should have been there with these people. Its causing us to rethink his career with the Army. Things are still unclear as to what exactly we are doing, but at this time we are just thankful that we are all together and that he is safe. We are enjoying every minute we have as a family. We do things together all the time now and it just makes me feel so happy. He may have to go away for a few months for a school that he has been selected for. This would happen from the start of Oct until end Nov. He would miss the holidays with us. Then, the unit he is with now, is scheduled to deploy earlier than expected. We do not know what will happen with that.. he may have to go, he may get to stay if we are getting out, he may not be able to go if he needs surgery again, he may go late.. We just really dont know. We will keep you all as updated as we are able.

Hanging out with her Daddy at the AK house before we left.
The house is coming together. We only have a few things left to unpack... you know, the ones you dont really ever need to see again. We plan to get things hung up soon. Its mostly just organizing the last bits and pieces that we have to do. We have our fish tank all set up again and full of new fish and shrimp. The dogs like having the back yard to run in, even though its not very large. Its hot here.. We took Z to the pool once all ready. Next time, Ill take the camera too. (Eric just suggested we take her tomorrow!) Back to the house.. Ill take some photos of it all once things are in place so I only have to do it once.
I think thats all for now! Ill try to keep posting on time from now on! We love and miss you all!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Playing Catch-up..
We were finally able to leave the house in Wasilla on Thursday April 28th at about 2:30am. We had so much left to do and that day the Uhaul ran late and the oil change took forever... We were lucky enough to have a great neighbor and an amazing family friend stop by and with both of their help, we eventually closed the door, locked it and drove off into the darkness.
Along the way, we saw tons of animals including moose, wild buffalo or bison, a huge porcupine, a lynx (which was amazing), caribou, antelope, prairie dogs, bald eagles, hawks, many types of deer, ducks, swans, geese, and other game birds, raccoons.. Z knows the difference between cows and horses in the fields.. and probably more. We kept a list as a daily game, but its in the van which Eric has taken to his first day of work.
Luckily, we didnt have any car trouble. The van pulled the trailer nicely. Eric didnt trust it (or maybe me) so he drove the whole way. Most of the roads were really bad and we had to drive pretty slowly. Once in the states, we ran in to some snowy areas still and lots of wind as well. He also said its nice to have something to use against me when he wants to pick on me :)
The dogs are both alive and well. The first two days were pretty bad. Stella got car sick and had an accident in her kennel. Chewy had accidents as well. We were able to find them some herbal meds at Walmart for motion sickness and it seemed to help a lot. Once the bumpy roads stopped, they relaxed a bit more too. They spent most of the trip in the same kennel - imagine that! They dont want to be away from eachother at all now which is a blessing.
Zoey.. Zoey.. Zoey.. She had a hard trip, to be honest. She cut three teeth on the road and is still working on 5 more. She ate well the first couple days but then she didnt want anything at all. Shes still being picky about meals. Each day, she napped in the car for about an hour. She had one day out of 8 where she didnt have a melt down in the van. She threw toys and snacks and would ask for things just to throw them and then want them back. We had a hard time with her. Even now in the hotel, shes bored and crabby and keeps asking to go in the "beep beep" (car). We both think she wants to go home. She is still working on her opposites and each time we go outside she says shes cold. :) We tell her she means hot and she will agree. She did have a few good moments in the car that I can mention. She would randomly break out her Happy Song which made us smile. She loved wearing her sun glasses. She was using Erics Garmen GPS as a pretend cell phone.. she called it Papa and would talk in to it. She let us know when the dogs were barking, since we couldnt hear them hehe! And each time we stopped some where, she would yell IM READY!! We had her dancing in a public restaurant one night - twirling and clapping and waving her hands. I wish I had my video camera for that! She was also floating in the pool all alone with her favorite water wings on. She was doing so well! (Thanks Gma and Gpa Bujak again for those!! She loves them!)
Erics knees are giving him trouble in the heat and after being in the car so long, hes still stiff and also having a hard time sleeping. Im having the same problem sleeping and Im swollen from lack of exercise on the road. Ive had to remove all of my rings since they were digging in to my fingers. I feel like Ive gained a million pounds, but I know I havent. Eric should be getting me a dr appointment this week. We still dont know the results of our ultrasound. Hopefully everythings fine in there. Shes been pretty active these days. We can feel her from the outside now. We have also finally given her a name.. which is still a secret for a bit longer :)
We have driven around post a couple times now. Its pretty.. lots of very old structures, stone buildings, old trees.. its a photographers dream place for sure! I dont think we are able to take photos on post though. I do still plan to try to get some of Z though. She has tested out one of the playgrounds and had fun. Eric was able to negotiate us a bigger and newer house the other day. The first ones offered were 1100-1200sq/ft and very old inside and out. The new place we will live in is 1600sq/ft and has been remodeled inside. The floors, appliances, paint - all new. The outside is not the best, but that doesnt matter. We are sharing one wall with another family. I believe its just the garage and master bed wall. We live on the corner of the lot so we have a bit of side yard and a back yard too. We can get a fence installed for the dogs which they will love. We can not go inside until the 16th, so we are still living in our hotel room. Its not fun, but we make the best of it.
Eric is on his way back from work right now. Zs eating her lunch. Ill let ya's all go back to your lives until I have more info to share! Ill try to get some photos up soon, but the internet in these places isnt the best!
We love and miss you all very much!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Bujak Updates..

Monday, February 28, 2011
Fabulous February!
I got a bit nervous that it wasnt going to come off!
Winter Luau