Well everyone, February has come and gone all ready! I can not believe how fast this year seems to be going by. Things here are about the same - we have been pretty busy with the every day life activities. We are now awaiting an answer as to where our family will be by the end of this month. Most of our readers are "in the know" about the situation, so Im not going to go in to the details here. Just know that we will keep you all updated as we get more information. Im sorry for not posting more this month, but once you go through all of the photos, Im sure you will see that we really have had LOTS going on! We were finally able to ditch our crappy AT&T internet service for something much faster and more reliable - YAY! Eric hooked up our wireless as well. So, that being said, we are now able to Skype again! I know how hard it can be for some of our family to get it set up correctly, so we would love to set up Skype-dates with you instead if you want to. I may turn ours on when I know we are available as well. Just log on and look for us! Can you believe its almost been a year since we've seen most of you!!??? Wow! Okay, time for some photos! Enjoy!!
The Alaska SeaLife Center
Some friends of ours were kind enough to invite us on a fun weekend trip to Seward Alaska to spend some time at the SeaLife Center! We accepted the offer and drove our families for the weekend. Thank goodness we have the van! We all fit nicely! We stayed the night at a military hotel, had a few meals in some local restaurants and let the girls run wild while they watched fish, sea lions and other creatures. It was fun! We really enjoyed the company of our friends!
I got a bit nervous that it wasnt going to come off!
His mate was 7ft (I think) and only 500lbs!
Baby Bujak #2
Baby is growing well! I dont have much to report right now though. Ive been tired a lot. Ive been probably spending too much time on my feet since they hurt by the end of the day. Its all worth it though! Our next appointment is on March 16th first thing in the morning. Until then, heres a photo of "us"!!
Zoey Being Zoey!
Other than the trips and parties, Z has been her normal crazy self at home! She finally learned how to say "I love you" on the 8th of Feb, which just melts our hearts. She calls her pj's "MeMes" and asks to put them on. She has been practicing drinking from big girl cups more and more. Shes getting pretty good! Shes a great actress - she can fake coughing or "sick" and she has a fake cry too. She has been reading books out loud.. Most of what she says makes no sense, but its still cute to hear her "read" and watch her holding the book right up to her face. If you go back a few blog entries, you can watch her video about letters. She can read most of the alphabet all by herself. Another fun fact - she loves A1 sauce on her steak. Kaka!! Shes most certainly her Daddys girl!!
She really loves little cars ever since we got her Chuck the Truck for Christmas.
This is Kara. She is the daughter of one of the MatSu Moms. She just loves playing with Z and holds her hand when ever she can. Here, she was holding Zoeys head up since she wouldnt look at me - Haha!! I think Zoey secretly loves being pampered by Kara :)
Her V-Day outfit! The kids kept running around the room, up the stairs and then down this ramp.. One of the Moms commented that it looked like a fashion show! It did!!
Winter Luau
Valentines Day
On Valentines Day, we enjoyed a playdate/lunch! Zoey got dressed up and had fun playing with her friends!
Winter Luau
We had a great time at the Winter Luau! We threw this party as a good-bye to Eric and early Happy Birthday to Zoey all in one. At this point, we are still unsure of what will happen to our family as far as the deployment/move/who-knows-what, but it was a nice way to get together with some of our closest friends and spend the day!
The back of Zoeys cake.. Im still having trouble with the fondant and not having pleats in it, but I tried to cover them up with the flowers! Its a bit bumpy too, but its only my second fondant cake!
And heres the front. Everything is fondant.. but the flowers. I did it all by hand! I even painted on edible glitter frosting! Can you tell what it is..?? A sea shell bikini and a grass skirt! The shells, pearls and "2" are all fondant - everything is! Lets just say it took me a while to finish!!
Just a close up.. the goodie bags are behind the punch bowl.
Dancing with Jenna and Teressa to some hula music!
Coloring some beach pages with Jenna!
Lunch time!
Singing Happy Birthday to Zoey
One of the kids broke the pinata string on their hit, so we had a brave Daddy hold it instead! Good job Eric!! Heres Z ready to swing!
She got to break the pinata!!! All of her friends had a turn first, of course!
She wanted to put all the candy back into the pinata! Then, she was taking handfuls of it to the trash can! We finally got her to start putting it into a cup instead :)
There was a little bit of monkey business at the party! I tried to get all the guests to stand in the photo prop. I plan to use the pics for thank you cards :)
At the end of the party, Eric gave the extras out to everyone! Even the "kids at heart" enjoyed the silly toys!

Lei making, photo prop and coloring!
I do think the kids had way more fun popping the balloons though!
Subs, potato salads, fruit, chips, punch and cake!

We had about 50 attend.
I dont like posting pictures of people with out asking first, so thats why you arent seeing more of Zs little friends :)

I spent hours punching out flowers and cutting straws and yarn!

We all had a great time, even though it went by too fast. THANK YOU to all who helped with the set up and clean up and to those who brought food and gifts even though we said not to. Every ones attendance meant the world to us. We feel so blessed to have such great friends here.. in fact, you are all more like family to us.
Well, thats all for today. Thanks for reading and catching up with us!
We love and miss you all!
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