Hello again! Its been a busy first half of the month! Let me catch you up!!
We finally had our first baby appointment! Baby was active!! We saw arms, legs and feet dancing around! The heart beat was strong as well. I measured exactly ten weeks, which puts us at a due date of September 1st. Heres baby's first photos!

Eric was off for two weeks and was able to spend lots of time with Z which I know they both loved.

Climbing.. she climbs everything! This time, she wanted something on the counter in the kitchen.
Nana and Papa Reeves came out for a week to spend some time with us. We didnt do anything too exciting, but it was nice to just hang out with them. Zoey was soooo happy!

On our last day w/Nana and Papa, we took a half day trip to Talkeetna. While we were there, we had lunch at some hole-in-the-wall local place that served some spicy moose chili, picked up some yummy treats at a popular bakery and even got a couple souvenirs. Eric and Renee went into the store and came out with a book for Zoey (from Nana) and a wolf puppet (from Daddy). Eric also got me an Alaska mood ring.. partly as a joke.. partly because Im so hormonal right now! MEN!!
We drove past the reindeer and musk ox farms too that week, but they are closed for the season. We did see a few animals out in their pens though!
We have lots planned for the rest of the month including Zoeys first Valentines Day party this Monday, family photos and Zoeys (early) 2nd Birthday party! We'll post pics!!
Well, thats all for now! Check back with us again soon! We love and miss you all!
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